A wooden floor enriches your environment, making it welcoming and pleasant: if it is a Corà wood floor, GUARANTEED FOR 10 YEARS, the emotion will last for ages!
Guarantee extensions are only valid for those who register and follow the advice given using only products from our CORÀ FLOOR CARE line.

The durability of a wooden floor depends on 3 factors:
1.- The quality of the planks used to make the floor; 2.- The quality of the laying; 3.- How correctly it is used.
The producer must guarantee the quality of the planks.
The layer guarantees the laying quality.

We build considering the high quality of the raw materials.
Users must guarantee that the floor is used correctly, namely that they apply the physical and chemical stress that the floor was designed to support (high, medium or low wear and corresponding levels of chemical stress).
Given these explanations, the weakest chain in the link is usually the initial quality of the planks; indeed, in a historical moment when price is a very important choice factor, the need to reduce costs has pushed many producers to lower the quality of the materials, and as such undermine the duration of the floor, even if laid and used correctly.
This solution can be acceptable for those who plan to change the floors of their homes often, but it is not a good option for those who want to invest in a floor that stays with them for the whole of their life.
This is why Corà, a leading wood distribution company in Italy and protagonist of a bond with wood that has lasted for more than 100 years, has developed specific floor lines that were developed for its clients considering the best quality raw materials.
The production process for these product lines has been completely renewed, with the following changes being made:
- new, stricter checks when selecting the initial wood materials
- timely verifications of the board assembly process, as well as of the gluing and painting processes
- severe tests on the quality of plank assembly and surface planarity
Because of these new procedures, Corà Legnami can offer its clients a 10-year guarantee, total coverage, for any production fault found in its wood flooring lines marked by the symbol:
The guarantee covers any fault that can appear over time in the quality of the wood used, as well as the quality of the adhesives and assembly, according to the limits and indications given in the “Full regulations for application of the Corà 10-year guarantee”
The guarantee does not cover any damage connected with incorrect storage, laying or use.