In the big offer of Corà prefinished wood floors, Wave outshines for its fresh design shape. This is a flooring in European Oak, compatible with floor-heating, ready to use and it does not require planning of painting.
The wavy and sinuous parquet
Wave has been designed by Massimo Broglio for Corà Parquet. The idea came from the unadjusted wooden planks typical of Nordic Countries the used to be laid side-by-side, keeping the irregular shape of the boards. This unusual format was due to the natural shape of the timber, that was respected with no changes also during the production of the planks.
A reinterpretation with a Nordic taste
Wave is the modern interpretation as it follows the natural line of those ancient northern floors. But the line becomes more flexuous and modular. The final look is a brand new floor concept, highlighted by a sensual wavy design.
Wave is available with glossy and matt
Each colour is available both in matt and glossy finish. It is actually the alternating glossy and matt belts that make Wave beautiful. So you will fall in love with this flooring, thanks to the optical effect of Wave that marks the space with its modern, original character. Last March Corà Parquet took place to the “International Furniture Fair” in Singapore. For “The Italian Hospitality” lounge booth, Giulio Cappellini chose Wave in matt grey finish to be the right floor. Find out more on the next blog article and follow our Pagina Facebook!
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